Sunday, April 27, 2014

The Little Red Backpack

This is the backpack I am bringing to Europe, and here is what it contains:

The only things not pictured are my iPad mini and small leather purse.
But this is all I am bringing, except what I can sneak into my kids backpacks- some ziplock bags, a Rick Steves travel book, and dryer sheets for dealing with bedbugs (we hope they won't be necessary, but we might be glad we have them...)

Tomorrow we leave for the airport to head to Greece for the first part of our trip. The plane leaves around 4p.m. and there is confusion over if there will be food provided during the flight or not. It is a loooong flight to not have sustenance, so we will get some airport food (Hello, Frontera!) to take with us just in case. Winters are not happy when we get hangry.

I am really glad that we are all able to travel with small backpacks, and somewhat amazed that we can cram a month's worth of stuff into such limited space. It helps that we are staying in hotels the whole time, so we don't need towels, shampoo, bedding, etc., just a mountain of small electronics, cords, and chargers, and the ability to live life on the edge. Because we are daring, fierce people, descended from Celts, Germans, and Irish who could travel light. (But we need our hotels, iPads and 3 DS's just in case.)


At April 27, 2014 at 7:56 PM , Blogger Andrew Winter said...

Mine is just like that. But manly, full of gadets, and running gear! Go Team CCO in Europe


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